The safety of the vessels, as well as the protection of the environment has top priority within the Company managed fleet. Tankship Management Ltd. strives to maintain and further develop quality and safety standards living up to market standards as stipulated by the major industry players, whilst meeting national and international rules and regulations. The Company’s Quality Assurance and Safety Management System is audited and certified to the mandatory International Safety Management system standard and the voluntary ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems standard, by the classification society Lloyd’s Register and its subsidiary Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance respectively. During this auditing process it is ascertained that the hereunder listed Key Performance Indicators (K.P.I.’s) are constantly met and maintained.

- To maintain the record of zero environmental pollution incidents on Company managed vessels;
- To reach and maintain the zero incidents threshold on Company managed vessels;
- To manage vessels within set financial budget strictures;
- To ensure managed vessels are maintained operational at all times.